The Treasure Principle

Focusing on “Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving,” this petite tome packs quite a punch. To some, this book will be radical and contain some inflammatory ideas, but as always when money is the center of the text – especially ‘YOUR’ money – things can get quite opinionated and heated.

Randy Alcorn advocates that ‘your’ money is instead ‘His (God’s)’ money. To that end, his content focuses on Matthew 6:19-21:

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

In the text, Alcorn establishes what he calls, “Treasure Principle Keys.” There are six in all and they include such statements as:

  • God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving.
  • My heart always goes where I put God’s money.

In theory, I agree with most of what Alcorn says, but some of his assertions are easier left in theory than put into practice. That is where most readers will stumble over his words – putting them into practice. It is one thing to postulate about giving 90% of your income to charity and quite another to “walk it out.”

I’m not saying I disagree, just that this type of radical faith living is at the extreme for most modern-day Christians living in America. It certainly flies in the face of the “Prosperity Gospel” that has been popular in recent years. Alcorn is not saying that God won’t bless and prosper His people; it’s just that this prosperity should not be lavished solely upon ourselves. Wealth is given for a purpose.

In times of economic downturn, this teaching is even more difficult to adopt for most church-goers. Yet in my own life and in the lives of my friends I have seen God bless when we gave beyond what others would call “comfortable.” God blesses giving and the Bible upholds that blessings will be poured out to those who give.

This is a great book and excellent for an afternoon of reading. I’d recommend this book for those who want to take your giving to the next level. As with all teaching books, read with discernment and allow God to speak to you about the content. Randy Alcorn is not saying to give all your 401k and the inheritance money away. Instead, learn to wisely use what you have been given to you.

Want to Win a Copy for Yourself?

I’m giving away a copy of this book here on the blog. Simply follow the instructions below to be entered to win.

Contest closes: Tuesday, April 21
Winner will be announced Wednesday, April 22

To enter:

Leave a comment about a time you gave to others when you didn’t really have the extra cash or tell me about what you would give to (or underwrite completely) if money was no longer a hindrance.

*Be sure to leave me a way to contact you in case you are the winner. That means either include your email addy or make sure there is a way to contact you on your profile or website. Thanks!

Buy a copy:

Even is you don’t win, you can purchase a copy of the book for your personal library by clicking on the Amazon link below.


PrncssCheralee said...

We still don't have the cash to give (hopefully that will change soon as we are currently working the Debt Snowball of Dave Ramsey's program), but try to give of our time and services as much as possible. If money were no object I would give to kids in need. I see too many children fall into the cycle in our small town due to not having the opportunities and I think that many of them would go so far and do amazing things if they just had the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

we dont have the cash to give but i can give time i am know as go to the dr with u if some one need a ride them call me i am there in all the weather but snow i do not do snow but here it ice

Marie said...

I always give my family rides to the doctor when they need it. I don't always have cash but I make sure that who ever house I'm visiting that they have food in the house even if I have to charge it and pay for it later.

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